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Casual Contributor


Hi, new here. I’m struggling with depression. I can’t find a job, it’s been months now and it’s hard to get through every day. I just end up watching tv with nothing else to do. My mood is so low with no friends to talk to. Hoping someone understands.


Senior Contributor

Re: Depression

Hi @Redapple22 . Welcome to the forums! 🙂

I can relate all too well to your predicament, I'm afraid. When I left highschool nobody was willing to help set me up with a job, new household, or new friendships. Things with my old "friends" turned sour after a few months, and soon enough I became grateful for every day I could get through without them phoning, or darkening my doorstep.

I can't offer much in the way of answers for you, I'm afraid.

I hear tell that "psychosocial support therapists" and "career councilors" can help people with these sorts of issues; though I can't speak to their effectiveness from personal experiance. Recent conversations I've had have lead me to believe that career councilors don't really do anything. I get the impression that they just sit on the sidelines while your still left trying to figure out where your meant to be working without any real help.

Psychosocial support therapists, meanwhile can be real difficult to track down. I've never been able to find any in my area; but your area might be better.

Senior Contributor

Re: Depression

Hi @Redapple22  Sorry you’re feeling this way and yes completely understand. I’ve found going for a walk, movement of any sort really helps when I’m feeling low. Is there anywhere you could volunteer ie op shops, animal rescue places etc. where you’re interacting with people, even 1 day per week? Maybe a short or longer TAFE course. Anything to get you out and about to lift your spirits. Hoping this helps in some small way. Take good care and good luck with your job hunting. 🙏

Re: Depression

I’m new here and not sure how this works but I hope this message gets to you. I’m struggling with being off of work at the moment too and my self worth, I know how much it hurts at the moment. Just know that you are worth more than you feel at the moment and that people care about you even the ones you have never met. Reach out if you ever want to chat 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Depression

Hey @Dean1990 just a lil tip, if you want other members to be notified that you've responded, you can tag them - use the @ symbol and a drop down will appear, and you can choose their name. If their name isn't there, you can type it out and it should then appear for you to select, and it will show up in blue, like this: @Redapple22 


It absolutely sucks to be job-searching, I am sorry that you're both going through this. I am glad you've found this community to be able to connect and support each other through the tough times 😉

Re: Depression

Welcome, @Redapple22 , I can definitely empathise from past experience with depression, it sucks 😢


I'm wondering if you have a psychologist or trusted GP for some professional support? 


An important forum tip is if you type @ and then click on a name in the drop-down box, that person will get a notification and won't miss your reply.

Re: Depression

Hi @Redapple22 


Just wondering if you have seen your GP and talked through your issues.  Not sure if you are on medication, but if you are, stick with it, they take a while to kick in.  Finding a job takes effort and while you are waiting maybe you can investigate doing some volunteer  work.  This gets you out n about and interacting with people, which certainly beats sitting on the couch.


Try and stay in touch with family and friends and ye never know, they might know of jobs going.  Take care 🙂

Re: Depression

Hi @Redapple22


So sorry to hear you are going through this, I am one of the Peer Guide volunteers here on the forum. Not long ago, I lost my full-time job due to depression, anxiety and panic attacks, I was unemployed for a long time, and I can relate to what you are going through. Every single day was a struggle, I lost interest in my hobbies and the things that used to bring me joy. The more I applied for jobs, the more and more rejection emails I received. Then I thought to myself if this method is not working then I need to try something else. I went on sites like YouTube to get a bit of information on how I could improve myself to land a job, as I watched some of the videos I took notes, they were really helpful. I also signed up with some of the job agencies most provide free career counselling. You could also try the following sites below, and see if they can assist you. Try to find small things that can motivate you every day, like say to yourself" I can do this! Let's go! don't be hard on yourself, be patient and believe in yourself that you can do it! I wish you all the best in finding employment, take care 🙂 



Re: Depression

Hey @Redapple22 , nice to meet you. 


How have things been for you?


I'm the Community Lead on the forums and have been around for quite a number of years now. I used to be a regular member on the forums, and experienced feelings similar to what you have shared.


I hope you find this space as supportive as it has been for me 🙂


Looking forward to seeing you around!

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