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Looking after ourselves

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Sweetie, I am sure you do and I understand. Do you have your music with you? Can you put that on @The-red-centaur 

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@Former-Member I'm listening to Bad Omens atm (a favourite of mine) it's not helping...I can't do this.

Re: Coping in the emergency department

It's ok @The-red-centaur , is that a band or a song? I might be showing my age 😐 Honey you took yourself to the emergency department for are reason, it was very brave of you to do that and I am proud of you for having the strength to reach out again. 

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@Former-Member it's a band 😊 In my music thread are a couple of their songs.
I'm so ashamed of myself rn. I feel like I shouldn't have bothered getting help and just completed what I started.

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Honey, just stop please. You are worthy of a good life, you are worthy of a long life and you make a difference in people's lifes. You belong here, you just need a little extra support. Please stay there and get seen to. @The-red-centaur 




Re: Coping in the emergency department

@Former-Member I'm trying I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'll most likely be here all night. They won't let me leave.

Re: Coping in the emergency department

No need to be sorry sweetie, you are scared and that is understandable, hospitals are not my favourite place either. @The-red-centaur 

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Iam still with you @The-red-centaur 

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@Former-Member thanks hun.

I don't know what to say.

Re: Coping in the emergency department

To me nothing, you don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know I am still sitting with you. @The-red-centaur 

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