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Looking after ourselves

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Curious Questions

Why did Google suggest SANE as a support option for Photosensitivity? 


How insulting is that!!!!  


Photosensitivity is NOT a mental health disorder it is physical. In fact calling it a mental health issue is as insulting to us as to say to those with mental health issues is that it is just figments of their imagination.


I'm am so blindly furious that it IS triggering the mental health problems I do have that are separate from my sun allergy. 


How can I find help when there is none? 


How can I be strong for him when right now if I don't get better I will lose him. 


I can't take this runaround and let down anymore I need help where can I find it? I'm drowning under conditions and illnesses so WHY am I still going it all alone? I get why my partner can't be here to help me HE has an excuse what the #%## is the help sections excuse? 


Why won't anyone help me with anything I have on my plate!?


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Re: Curious Questions

hey @Former-Member, I hear you. It can feel so unfair when others don't understand our struggles or aren't able to help. Is that how it feels? 


I'd love to hear more about that, if you'd like to share


take care,


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