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Looking after ourselves

Re: Talking about building emotional resilience

At the moment at the top of the list would be:

Exhausted, rejected, alone, resentful, guilty, depressed. 


Things that used to concern and worry me niw just irritate me 😔


In the past 

Lonely, depressed, ashamed, guilty

Hurt, angry, critical,

Confused, rejected, helpless, submissave, insecure and anxious.

Re: Talking about building emotional resilience

In the past I have felt compassion love and concern in our situation

Now I just feel annoyed and over it.  Then I feel guilty for feeling that way. 



Re: Talking about building emotional resilience

I think in all of that point 2 in the emotional resilience table becomes critical...

🤔 how to manage this when running on empty...


I have had some success with point 4... perhaps I need to return to my focusing on the poatives thread.... 

Re: Talking about building emotional resilience

Hello @Sasha_86  how are yout oday my friend , thinking of you lots xoxo

Re: Talking about building emotional resilience

Hello @Shaz51  I'm am doing the best I can today so I have come exploring the forums to find the wisdom you all so kindly share with us all 😊 how are things for you and yours? 

Re: Talking about building emotional resilience

@Sasha_86, if you have a question please ask us my friend xoxoxo

Re: Talking about building emotional resilience


Would you like to share/name some of the emotions you have experienced?

Re: Talking about building emotional resilience

here for you my darling @Sasha_86 xxxxx

Re: Talking about building emotional resilience

Thank you @Shaz51 and everyone else! Not a question as such just feelings...I guess I feel just a bit like life is stalking or hanging in limbo a bit?? Not sure if thst makes any sense? My ER is normally pretty good, perhaps just a bit fatigued at the moment. X

Re: Talking about building emotional resilience

ohhh my @Sasha_86 , it does makes sence my friend xoxo

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