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Looking after ourselves

Re: What concerns me.

Oh, I'm copying Hobbit and you. . Great advice.

whatever on DSP.
My issues, being tired for this longtime and all I've done is burnout...
I'm taking your advice, and looking up ethical jobs.
. It's something I did not expect to get.


Re: What concerns me.

You two....
Thanks. I'm crying now. I just changed my bedroom sheets and I'm getting them wet. My dog, Bowie has curled up to me but.

I cannot believe how I feel so rotten.

I've got to stop overdoing it.
Thanks so much,


Re: What concerns me.

alessandra1992, you little superstar.
I'm overdoing it
I've got to stop.
I've got to just go back to my craftwork and hanging out with you guys. Awesome :0)
where did you get so clever??

Re: What concerns me.

Yeah. Managing unhealthy thoughts and feelings.
 I thought I personally had a plan. That's all .....


Now, all these things have happened. 

With my boyfriend and your support, Im stopping. 

Re: What concerns me.

I went to see someone today and I'm applying for 10 hours per week at an aged care place
Thanks for your support and help
I must say that this post by alessandra1992 did it for me because it is very honest and caring

Re: What concerns me.

Well done you for having the courage to apply.. It isn't easy building up our confidence, and you know it is bloody ha d to get any I and of work, paid or unpaid despite what our government thinks.

It bothers me a lot that we are not able to value ourselves as simply being. I am here and you are here and we are equally valuable..

Being a good neighbour, a loving friend, these qualities are rare, precious and not measurable in economic terms.

You take care justanother47yr old, you are valuable..maybe you could let people know if that you are volunteering online and helping many many many people across Australia..

Economic participation is not equally available or accessible to all people, damn this government's attitude. I feel we are heading back to the 1930's Work for the was pretty crap back in the Depression of 1930's..

Rant over..

Re: What concerns me.

Hi Allesandra1992,


I will say that this forum ...I thinnk about my like minder friends online and I feel.... you gotta be open for accepting peoples advice hey. I certainly, have been thinking about positive comments while I do my little bits during the day.


How do you plan your days? 

I remember you have children.


Re: What concerns me.

You are right on the money there JA47, it's the different perspectives and ideas that we bring to the forum that really enhance my life!

How I plan my days in usually requires some idea of what's necessary and what's optional.
We have as a family lots of discussion around these concepts, the smaller folk believe strongly in playing as the ultimate goal, the bigger folk believe everyone can contribute by doing their part with helping with some of the necessary chores like feeding the dog, changing her water, putting washing away😃😃😃 so we have lots of discussion some days about what is reasonable..

Some days I think I am raising future unionists or advocates or debaters or lawyers, they are very strong on arguing their cases!

That sounds like fun, your home. As usual, I forgot / too...

That sounds like fun, your home. As usual, I forgot / too busy for Tuesday group and a pity because it was good reading. I like you def. on love.
I. Remember writing timetables but besides that your home life sounds like fun , more fun than what I prob. Had. All those things we did together. ...... Like two children have conveniently forgotten most sports activities I put them in, they both do no sports. We all get along really well but

Re: What concerns me.

Hello JA47! I missed this post, I do need a timetable..great idea as then we can all see what's on. Tried to synchronise iPads, laptops and phones. Epic disaster.. Old school rules, with a slight upgrade..a white board... Wish I was as sporty as one of them, one is sports mad, the other is a latte lover like me!
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