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Casual Contributor


Hey folks.


After posting here a few months ago, I thought I’d give a bit of an update.


I shared a lot of my experience back when I was at a very low point. Everything kept catching up to me, and boy was I feeling hopeless and defeated. And rightfully so. Honestly, I’m a bit in awe of how well I’ve managed. And the whole time, thought I was a mess.


After finally reaching the processing stage in EMDR therapy, I’ve felt a huge difference after just 3 sessions.


It took many months of working with my current therapist to reach this point. 
After actually processing a core trauma and the subsequent self limiting beliefs, I’m the most consistently calm I’ve been, pretty much ever.


I’m not dissociating anymore, and actually remember a lot of my life now. I don’t even think in black and white anymore. 

I could go on, but honestly, it’s been such a long and perilous journey and I’m overwhelmed by how much I’ve overcome in a short time. Just thought I’d share. It’s just a lot to realise! Thanks for reading 

Senior Contributor

Re: Update

Hi @Elusive_fairy I am so glad that you are making progress. It feels amazing when you realise you have finally found a way to deal with past issues and to move forward. 


Can you please  explain what EMDR therapy is?


Kindest regards 

Mustang67 🌻

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