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Re: Everything music

Ill check hat out @Glisten 

this itchycoo park is brilliant 


great song thanks for showing 

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

@greenpea I honestly don’t have an opinion on Courtney Love 

Hole did some good music.

Hugs G

Re: Everything music

@greenpea @StuF @Shaz51 @PeppyPatti @Bill16 

Our darling dearest Pea has proclaimed today Nirvana Day.

Your turn Pea 🎼 

Re: Everything music


I just listened through That's a cheery tune! lol


I wonder if the new album is coming out?

Re: Everything music

@StuF  a new album?!?! i hope so and yes endsong is typical curex

Re: Everything music


I saw some commentary online. Apparently a new album has been 'announced' a year or two back with no release 😞


Yeah, Endsong is very them.

Re: Everything music

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