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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Was the big fellow feeling a bit lonely @Shaz51?

Does he visit often

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

 Ha ha @Former-Member, yes he loves visiting us and all the neighbours ( 5 houses ), he has a game with mr shaz running around the yard  , Smiley Very Happy

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Shaz51, that sounds kind of sweet- maybe he's adopted you. 😄

We get animals wandering in sometimes too, but not usually domestic ones... we've had possums, magpies, blackbirds and bluetongues all take advantage of our open back door. Oh, and a cute little bat came down the chimney one night, so we gently caught him (or her?) and helped him back outside.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

that sounds kind of sweet- maybe he's adopted you., I think he has @Smc,his name is cheeko

yes apart from that  we get blue tounge lizard, snakes , geckos , green frogs

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Is Mr Shaz fond of him @Shaz51?  Do you think he enjoys his company without the responsibility that comes with ownership? 


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Mainly rats, mice, flies and wasps at our place, with an odd bird we rescue that somehow manages to make it down the heater flue @Shaz51 @Smc

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Do you think he enjoys his company without the responsibility that comes with ownership? -- yes he does @Former-Member, I am sure of it as his sister`s dog loves him and he loves pets but does not want anymore xx


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Member, we get no shortage of the pest species too, but they're not welcome so they don't count. 😛 In fact, the possums only just squeak in. They are not popular when they have their pre-dawn domestic arguments in our ceiling cavity.


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Didn't quite bring up the same warm fuzzy feeling @Smc although @Shaz51's snakes might not be so welcome.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @Former-Member@Shaz51


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