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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


Lemon meringue tart on offer.

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Excellent @Former-Member Thanks.

I'll have a Lemon-Meringue tart or pie any time.

Do you like them?


Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Adge I do like a lemon meringue but am quite fussy, have high expectations, a certain amount of tang required.

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @RainbowUnicorn  @Shaz51

Coffee?images (8).jpeg




Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

yes please @Former-Member Smiley Very Happy

Hello @RainbowUnicorn, do you like tea or coffee xx

Hello @Faith-and-Hope, @Determined, @Smc

@Adge, have you have any new baby birds xx

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello Peoples!
This kind of weather, my cuppa of choice definitely comes in frozen form.
Hi @RainbowUnicorn, one for you too if you like. 🙂



Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @Shaz51@Former-Member

No new baby birds at the moment (past few weeks).

That's ok, as long as I've got my current lot (feathered family) still here & singing...


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

lovely @Former-Member, I love the drink xx'

@Adge, how many have you got at the moment

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Gee @Shaz51 I haven't done a feathered "head-count" in quite a while.

It would be about 50 birds (all up), at the moment.

Mostly tiny little finches, that don't eat a huge amount of seed.

Finches don't do well in cages, except some very domesticated types (like Zebra Finches).

They need lots of space, even though very small birds - which is why I've got them zipping about in the aviaries...


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