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Re: Tabaluga's

Good Morning @Meowmy @StuF @Bill16 

lo st another standard metric unit since yest lol phps dose to high .. too bad lol

have to get form for dentist today, think put it off til tomorrow to save a trip to bigtown and get regional weekly newspapers .. 'The Sheep-dip Times' , 'Farmers Confidential' etc  who was seen on milking stool behind cow in  their barn last week ? local farmer dodges questions, while eating steak ...

ha har 

ok think shower and cup of tea another pce toast w vegemite, then shower and go back to bed to lost some more weight while sleeping lolololo.....

Re: Tabaluga's

My dearest Retiisi @ENKELI 

Every resident of Forumland knows how vulnerable we are.

We aren’t here because life has been champagne 🍾 🥂 and yacht cruises

We are here because life has been grossly unfair. Financial disparity makes it worse.

This is the only community where if one person wins, we all win.

By speaking up and saying what you needed. You HELPED me to reflect on my conditioned responses.

That is the BEST and most important thing you could have done for me.

I don’t want to be the person he created.

I want to evolve to have quality relationships.

Retiisi kiitos, että olet kärsivällinen ja autat minua kehittymään. 

Finnish 🇫🇮 like their double letters. Was the syntax in that sentence correct?

Good morning btw 😆



Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB the injection is obviously working. You got to get the weight down. Something that worked for me to lose weight while sleeping was Earthing. I no longer have Earthing sheeting as its expensive but I still have an Earthing mat under my desk which I use consistently. Its great the weight is coming down, congrats on that. Amazing huh.


@Oaktree @ENKELI @Meowmy @Glisten 


Nothing is new for me just glad I got into ho'oponopono. Its great when you have personal problems that just won't budge. I learnt about it from a psychologist called Dr Hew Len that used to work in a mental institution. The violence in the institution stopped, the staff were happy and the patients got discharged without a trace of trauma. All your problems start dissolving with ho'oponopono. I never got anywhere with social services. They did nothing for me other than to create more problems lol but ho'oponopono will get life working for you again. Intractable problems start disappearing. Dr. Hew Len's successor Mabel Katz won the International Peace Prize with ho'oponopono! Here is a really old video on it but it encapsulates ho'oponopono in a nutshell. If you want to learn more you can read the book Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale. The book in readable format is available for free on you tube. Get life working for you instead of against you!



Conoce más herramientas de Ho'oponopono aquí: Herramientas de limpieza #Ho'oponopono - #Agua #solar azul. El Dr. #Ihaleakalá Hew Len explica cómo funciona el agua solar y cómo puede ayudarte durante su

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