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Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

Thanks @Adge  for letting me know about the tagging xxxx

Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

@Shaz51 hi my birthday is 26 February

Re: when is your Birthday

may 13.


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Re: when is your Birthday

My birthday is November 2, I'll be 21.


Anyone with birthdays in November and/or the same day? Smiley Very Happy

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Re: when is your Birthday

@Maggie it's your birthday, March 1.


Happy Birthday Maggie, I hope you're doing alright and that you have a wonderful birthday! (I was just scrolling through this thread, I like the idea of it)



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Re: when is your Birthday

@Hope4me my birthday is also in November, on November 2. When's yours?

Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

@Pepsimax happy belated birthday (I'm so sorry, just seeing this thread now).


I hope you're alright and that you had a great birthday! Sorry that my wishes are late!

Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

@Scarecrowe just browsing through this thread, I see that your birthday is coming up on March 4.


Well happy early birthday to you, I hope it's wondeful. I'll remember to come back and wish you a proper happy birthday then aswell xx

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Re: when is your Birthday

@Scoo my birthday's on November 2!

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Re: when is your Birthday

Hey @Catcakes , my Nana has the same birthday as you (my Mum's Mum).


She passed away in 2013, and my Grandpa (Mum's Dad) in 2015. I never met my Dad's parents because they passed away before I was born (I'm 20), I would've loved to though.


I love and miss them so much

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