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Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24I've watched a lot of youtube videos where they do the resin furniture, like those tables.  They look amazing.  I keep thinking of buying a resin 3d printer but the chemicals sound like a bit of trouble dealing with.  How do you find them?

Re: I can’t cope

My cousins boyfriend does those tables. @MJG017. They look amazing!


Because the ones I did were clear and in a kit, I only had to mix 2 chemicals. If I can find a coloured one I’ll let you know how difficult that is. I won’t be doing furniture or anything fancy. 

All we’ve done is talk about me. I’ve been a self-centred. Tell me a bit about yourself. 

For me I live in central NSW, single with 2 dogs. 

Re: I can’t cope

I’m suppose to look for glimmers in my day. Last night the sky was so clear that I could see the stars so clearly. On my 2hr drive to where I am, I saw probably 1000 white butterfly’s. They were everywhere. I guess they count as glimmers.

Re: I can’t cope

Thank you for sharing these @Captain24 

Such a good reminder for all of us to look for these glimmers in our day.

One for me this morning was noticing that my little pomelo tree had started to flower. I'm going to look for more glimmers throughout the rest of my day too

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 

Glad you got to your destination safely. I hope your appointment goes well.

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Snowie.


Hopefully they don’t want to cut bits out of me! She does a full skin check as well as looking at my vertiligo. 

How did you go over the weekend, especially yesterday 

Re: I can’t cope

Well hopefully everything goes ok and it's just a skin check @Captain24 until next appointment.

Weekend went ok, glad it's over.

Re: I can’t cope

No bits to cut out at this stage @Snowie. I do have a skin pigmentation on my lip. If it changes I have to come straight back but at this stage I’m clear for 12 months. 

Im glad it went ok. Hopefully you have some time to rest and recover. 

Re: I can’t cope

Having some 'me' time today @Captain24 Nice just to be home by myself.


Thats great news that you are clear for 12 months. Something that you don't have to worry about for now.

I think you mentioned you were going to go shopping for some arty/crafty supplies today.

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24, those tables do look incredible!  I would love one but the ones I see on youtube seem to sell for around US$10,000 - 15,000!


The one's I've seen, I'm sure they start with a clear resin and then add pigments or dye to it to colour it.  I could be wrong.  Could you do a similar thing to use coloured resin?  Or is this what the kits are?  I'm pretty sure the resins for 3d printers just come as the colour you need, so i'm not sure.


It's okay to talk about yourself when you're going through a tough time, so don't worry about it. its understandable.  As for me, I live in the southern Adelaide suburbs and have all my life.  I'm knocking on the door of 54, and by no small miracle, have had a partner for the past 11 years.  The first and only one I've ever had so that's why I say it's a miracle.


I was adopted, and that has caused me a lot of grief throughout my life, which I'm only really starting to dig in to.  Severe attachment issues from what I've discovered in recent months.


We have 2 cats.  I used to work in IT, but gave that up and am now looking to start a Cert IV - mental health peer support next year.  I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 years ago, which caused this big refocus in my life and I've gotten heavily involved in raising awareness and trying to get the message out for men to get tested, so a lot of people, myself included, have no idea how young it can strike and how aggressive it can be.  As part of this work, I've started doing some media spots in recent months which has been exciting and very rewarding.


So that is probably the highlights of me.

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