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Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

We went to the doctors today. Our old doctor passed on my son's notes so we didn't have to go over things too much which was good.


The doctor tested physical things like height, weight, pulse and blood pressure. Things were pretty bad but he's not quite bad enough to be forced into hospital unless he chooses to. His weight is low as expected and his pulse was fast even though his blood pressure was slightly low which seemed like a strange combination to me. He's on the borderline so the doctor wants to see him once a week to make sure he stays stable.


The doctor wanted to refer him to a place called SEDS (Statewide Eating Disorder Service). My son admitted that he feels uncomfortable because he thinks it will only be young girls there but we managed to persuade him to accept the refferal. The doctor said that SEDS have a day programme where people go for meal support and group therapy during the day and they also have a voluntary inpatient programme for people who need extra support. There will be a waiting list for both options but we should be able to at least talk to someone fairly soon. In the meantime the doctor also reffered my son to a dietician so all we can do for now is wait to be contacted.


Despite the waiting list I'm feeling very relieved that we're finally doing something about this. He's been recieving some valuble help from his psychologist but I think it will be good for him to work with people who specialise in eating disorders. I'm also very proud of him for agreeing to get help.


I'm generally feeling very hopeful Smiley Very Happy

Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

Oh wow @MumOfAnAnorexic , that is actually so awesome .... quiet little yay 🎉 from my corner over here ..... it’s swesome, and probably a bit daunting all at the same time, but it is definitely progressi, and from someone who has been bounced around between well-meaning medical professionals who were entirely unhelpful, owing to their lack of knowledge about eating disorders, I am so pleased for you ❣️


I hope it all goes as well as ot can, and your son feels accepted and supported very soon.

Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

That is great news @MumOfAnAnorexic! We hope you are feeling better now that you have the support and resources to help your son. What is interesting is the stigma that is attached to ED, as your son mentioned that he thinks the treatment will be just young girls. We hope that he feels at ease when undergoing treatment and there will be others who he can connect with. Hope you have a great day today. Heart

Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

Hello again @MumOfAnAnorexic .  Its so good to see that you are getting such wonderful support and understanding here from @Faith-and-Hope .


I'm also thrilled to bits that you have been able to get your son to attend an appointment with his GP, supported by yourself.  It sounds as though this new GP is very understanding an knowledgable about eating disorders.  Having a supportive and understanding GP is such an important asset to have.  Its reassuring that he wants to see him weekly to monitor his progress and to keep an eye on things. Really glad to see he has provided a number of referrals to help your son.  Its now up to your son to follow through on those, when the opportunity comes up. I have no doubt you will continue to be the kind, concerned and encouraging Mum you have always been.  He needs your support right now, and you are clearly giving him that. I'm sure everything will work out fine, but it takes time.  Try to be patient, with yourself as well as your son.


Although I havent been posting, I have been reading along.  Good to see you settling into the forums. You are in the best hands here with @Faith-and-Hope .


Before going, I will take the chance to wish you a happy Mothers Day. Please take some time out for yourself, some relaxing time. I hope that looking back in years to come, that this day marks the commencement of healing for your son.


Hi @Ali11  good to see you around.


Sherry 🌺

Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

Hi @Former-Member, @Ali11 and @Faith-and-Hope,


Thank you for all your support. I think this will be really helpful for my son. It was a great early Mother's Day present.


Happy Mother's Day to all the mums reading this! Smiley Happy

Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

I'm really happy for you @MumOfAnAnorexic .  And very true ... a wonderful early Mothers Day present.

Thanks for your mothers day wishes to me too.  Unfortunately I dont have any children of my own.  I am a step-mum of 2 grown up kids, but they still have there own Mum around. I am a step-grandma too, of 6, but they live 5 and 6 hours away respectively and that means we dont get to see them often.  But I am mum to my little dog Holly.  And I'm told that counts? 🐶👍🌺  Its nice to be home for the weekend after spending 3 nights in the city where my husband has been in hospital.  He is still there, but may be allowed home tomorrow. So could be a long day tomorrow to drive there to collect him and back home again in the afternoon.  Not looking forward to that.  But I am spending the day with my little doggie, whom I miss very much whenever I have to go away.  Enjoy the rest of your mothers day. 💕



Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

Hi @Former-Member,


I definitely think it counts to be a mum of an animal and step mums and step grandmas are important too. Smiley Happy


I'm sorry to hear about your husband being in hospital but it's good that you think he'll be coming home soon. Animals can be great company in the meantime though.

Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

Thanks @MumOfAnAnorexic 

My husband has been very ill for a long time now.  A succession of diagnoses over the past 2 years.  18 months ago he was diagnosed with Stage IV melanoma which had spread to his lungs.  Then 13 months ago he developed autoimmune encephalitis (where immune system attacks own brain causing inflamation) as a result of the immunotherapy he was on for his cancer. The good news is that his cancer is currently under control as a result, but he continues to suffer the consequences of that therapy.  His latest hospitalisation is because he has had a recurrence of the encephalitis.  And some 6 months ago he was also diagnosed with Parkinson Disease.  So its been a pretty stressful and distressing 2 years for us both.  


I know you love cats, but do you actually have a cat?  You are so right ... animals are the absolute best companions.



Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

Hi @Former-Member,


That's horrible! I'm so sorry to hear that! They would be very difficult diagnoses to deal with.


We have a lovely cat called Doc. He's one of those really cuddly cats that jumps up on your knee and likes to cuddle up in bed with you. He always makes me smile on a bad day.


I really hope your husband gets better. It's so hard watching someone you love suffer and not be able to do anything about it. Heart Stories like that make me realise I don't have it as hard as I thought. 

Re: I'm not sure how much I should intervene (anorexia related)

Thanks @MumOfAnAnorexic 

We each cope with what we're dealt I guess.  No comparisons here though. We all suffer when our loved ones suffer.

Your Doc sounds gorgeous.  It is a sad fact that I have an allergy to cat fur, so I cannot have cats in my home.  I would if I could though. But I love dogs very much and have always had a dog since a young child living on a farm.  My current little dog Holly I sometimes think acts more like a cat than a dog.  But she is just the greatest. Like Doc does for you, my Holly always brings a smile to my face.

Sherry 🌺

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