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Looking after ourselves

Re: Walking for Wellness

My sister has it too @Shaz51 . Bad cough and upset tummy. There must be a lot of it around. 

Can you get online delivery from the supermarket as well as the pharmacy? I've found it a help lately. 



Re: Walking for Wellness

Good on you @Dimity 

I walked up to the shops and back on Friday with my little nana trolley.

I need to get back into regular walking but I have injured my muscle behind my knee. When I walk up a hill it really hurts. The original injury probably happened two years ago but it keeps happening on hills

Re: Walking for Wellness

Well done for trying @Oaktree but please be careful. Perhaps you could try a knee brace or strapping if your med/physio people think it's safe. 

I use a nana trolley too - actually I've got 2 of them. I need the big one for cat litter.

Re: Walking for Wellness

Feel well soon my lovely Sister @Shaz51 

I am so sorry that you and Mr Shaz are sick. It must be making you feel miserable 

Re: Walking for Wellness

have you got arthritis in your knee now @Oaktree xx

I have arthritis in my hip 


thank you @Oaktree , yes the coughing part is the worse , it goes on and on , you dont get hardly any sleep 


I have a exercise watch and it shows me that i had 2 hours sleep last night overall @Dimity , @Ru-bee  

Re: Walking for Wellness

No it’s not arthritis @Shaz51 

But I have done something to the workings of the back of the knee. Very technical terms I know but I don’t know what it is that I have hurt. Maybe a tendon 

Re: Walking for Wellness

Poor Shaz you must be exhausted @Shaz51 

Re: Walking for Wellness

Hi @Dimity 


How are you doing today 

Re: Walking for Wellness

Hi @Oaktree okay thanks. Just got home from hunting for catfood in a couple of places - my old boy is very pernickety but I had success. It was a good walk.

How are you?

Re: Walking for Wellness

Hi @Dimity 


I am good, just got back from TK Maxx. Bought myself a new case. Going on a trip tomorrow. 


 my cat is fussy too but she will eat the Cachet brand from Aldi. She has decided she has had enough of the chicken varieties though. We do spoil her and try and buy what she likes. I recently bought her two special dinners ready for her birthday in August. They were on special so I picked them up early. Ultimates Indulge - Tuna & Barramundi - Tuna with shredded chicken breast and prawn

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