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Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?

Hi, the forum seems pretty quiet lately or is it just me?


Is anyone around that wants to talk about anything, say hello? Anything?


Re: Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?

@Former-Member ,

I'm here, just been hanging out with my kids. We have a new puppy.

How are you?

Re: Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?

Hey @Purplerain 

SOUnds lovely.


I am on and offline ... busy @Former-Member 

Have cat on lap ... and he does not want to be disturbed but I will ahve to get up soon.



Smiley Happy

Re: Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?

Re: Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?



Pretty picPretty pic


I think there are less people on the forum at any one given time ... than I originally expected anyway ..

I got cat off my lap

Cat Happy

Re: Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?

@Appleblossom either that or everyone's ignoring me

Re: Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?

I doubt they are ignoring you @Former-Member 


I bin hanging around on this site for a long time ... day ... night ...

just not that many on it.


Dont take lack of attention personally ... I had to wait weeks even months to get various bits of feedback ...


Life can be a lonely business ... we are born alone and we die alone ... and in between ... well ... gotta make the best of the oars we are given ... to row our particuar ... floating boat


you can read wots on the forum ... its kinda like reality tv.


Take Care ... I am off for a bit ...

Smiley Happy

Re: Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?

@Appleblossom I love that pic. not sure who made it but its very clever. I remember you showing me a few similar before. wish I was that clever!

Re: Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?

@Former-Member weekends are my slower days where I just kinda pop in and out when I feel like it and suspect its the same for many others. its abit quieter then usual but not a whole heap
we have a thread called Saturday Soriee if your after something more fast paced then whats happening now though if your interested in that. ..

Re: Is anyone around? Forum seems quiet or is it just me?

It gets quiet on Saturdays I have found @Former-Member

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