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Re: when is your Birthday

From a fellow Piscean @ETBug  I totally agree with your description of us lol

Re: when is your Birthday

@Scarecrowe  have I got you birthday xx

Very interesting @ETBug  wonder what mine is 

Re: when is your Birthday

Hi @Shaz51 

Yes I gave you my birthday when I first joined.  And you sent me a birthday message last year Heart

Hi to Mr Shaz

ellRe: when is your Birthday

Hello @ETBug I'm a Pisces too - Birthday March 15th.

Hi @Scarecrowe You're a Pisces too....


Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

hi @ETBug  I am a cancer crab Smiley Very Happy

Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

Hi @Adge  long time no speak.

Yes like you I am a March Pisces - on the 4th

Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

@Scarecrowe  Another Pisces... scary just how many Pisceans have MI issues.  Doesn't it make you think that we are just a fish out of water.


@Shaz51 My eldests son is also a crab.  When he was little he used to literally crawl into his blankie whenever he got stressed or scared.  It was so cute.  


@Adge Hello fellow Piscean.  I don't know about you but I always both proud to be a Piscean and wishing I wasn't at the same time.  So soft and so sentitive.  It's a blessing and a curse.



Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

Me too Pisces. @ETBug . Definitely fish out of water. 💦🐟🐠

Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

Hi @ETBug @Adge  yes I do agree with the fish out of water analogy.  But I also think like this.  The sign of Pisces is two fish pointing in different directions.  I think of them as good fish, bad fish.   Sometimes I am feeling good and other times I am feeling bad.  And when a fish goes  bad....................


I love that story about your son crawling in his blankie, that is so adorable.  


And yes I also feel proud to be a Pisces, but then wish I wasn't so sensitive.  But the odd thing about that from my point of view though is that I was meant to be an Aries.............Smiley Indifferent

Re: ellRe: when is your Birthday

Yes well @Scarecrowe @ETBug I never assumed that it had anything to do with being Piscean - I've just always been very sensitive, introverted & was very shy when younger.

Yes, emotional, but never allowed to express my emotions (got screamed at etc when I did).

I have a severe trauma background, so I naturally assume it was largely due to that (over several decades).


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