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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

You have nothing to be sorry for @Captain24 

It's very challenging to pull yourself out of a dark place, you've shown so much strength in doing so time and again

I am sorry today is so hard, sitting with you ❤️


Keep providing feedback for the changes in guidelines if something doesn't sound okay to you


Okay so there are a few tasks to get through, starting early might be best so you can take breaks in between 


What do you like doing for self-care? 🙂

Re: I can’t cope

That's a good idea @Snowie, I hope you get some restful sleep tonight ❤️

What are your plans for the day?

Re: I can’t cope

No plans @lavenderhaze just on the couch under my weighted blanket.


Re: I can’t cope

I did try with the guidelines but I think I just looked like an idiot. @lavenderhaze. I just don’t have a way with words. 

I don’t have anything in me to pull

myself out right now. I have no strength inside. I have lost my ability to fight. I need what ever I have left inside to fight the urges and I’m slowly losing that too. 

Self care I usually like diamond art or Lego, but right now I’m sitting on the lounge watching tv with both dogs on my lap. 

Re: I can’t cope

I am sure you did not look like an idiot @Captain24, the best thing to do is just explain yourself in whatever you can and advocate for yourself, which you did ❤️

I hear you hun 😞 It sounds so painful and I wish I could do something to help

If you feel too tired today then sitting in the dark is okay, we just have to get through this day minute by minute. I am right here with you and so are the other members 

I have always been fascinated by diamond art! You sound creative 🙂

What are you watching? I have been binge watching The OC, have you heard of it?

Re: I can’t cope

That sounds so comfy @Snowie 🙂

Are you watching tv or something?

Re: I can’t cope

Just watching Friends on tv @lavenderhaze I don't do silence very well.

Re: I can’t cope

A minute is all I can face an even that is pushing it @lavenderhaze.

Im just watching neighbours as I missed it being in bed. I haven’t ever actually watch the OC. It was in the 90’s. I can’t remember if I was still at school or just out. 

Diamond art and Lego are not creative. You get told what to do!!! 😜. It’s pretty easy and I find it mindful. 

Do you do have any you do? 

Re: I can’t cope

I am the same @Snowie, cant sit in silence. I love Friends - such a comforting show. Whos' your favourite on it? I love Chandler and Phoebe


You'll get on the other side of this soon. I know it's hard to believe that right now @Captain24 but have faith ❤️


It came out in 2003. I love watching shows from 90s or early 2000s - the simpler times haha


It's actually a great balance between doing something creative but also having some structure I believe 


My self-care usually involves going on long walks around my neighbourhood - I recently learned that walking helps with processing emotions and coming up with solutions because of how our eyes move while looking around our environment, it's a similar concept to EMDR treatment 

Re: I can’t cope

I hope so @lavenderhaze. Sometimes I’m not so sure. 

I got my dates a bit off. I can’t remember the reason why I didn’t watch it. I was living in the coast at that time.


I like the old stuff too. 

How do you find the motivation to go for a walk? I’d like to try and find some. I know I need to try but my body is just so heavy it takes all I’ve got to get up to go to the bathroom. 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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