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Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow I mean I could passionately yammer on about how and when a safety plan is useful, but I think you know it all already, yeah?  


What I'm hearing is that you don't feel like any of the stuff in your safety plan is going to make a difference tonight, which is pretty worrying too. 


I might flick you an email hun, keep an eye out. Sending hugs 💜🫂

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

How's the Lego bonanza disney princess castle extravaganza going for you @Bow

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I finished her on Saturday @Jynx  i don’t have a photo of her but she is very similar to the new one. Need to take a photo of them side by side. Had to shuffle a couple of things around to make room. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow niiiiice! Haha I just had a comical image in my head of you eyeing off a bit of shelf space, it's covered in like, nice photos and cherished memories, and you just FWOOSH sweep it all aside to make room for more lego 🤣


I mean not that I think you'd actually fwoosh your cherished memories, but just the comedy of that image. 


Deffo keen to see a photo when you're ready! Then maybe you need a bunch of these to light em up with! Truly go for the grandiosity! 



Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Jynx I could probably definitely do that fwoosh…. And just put them cherished memories elsewhere. Maybe. 
I had to remove a living plant to make room for Lego plants to all be together, so that the castles could sit side by side. Said living plant is just sitting on the floor at the moment while I decide what to do with it. 

you have some of them Lego light set thingys yeah? I reckon the castle lights would look pretty good. 

daughter is back at school tomorrow. She was getting cranky with me cause I kept reminding her and she was getting excited which would mean she wouldnt sleep well. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Ahaha I imagine the dramatic gesture would come with its own satisfaction and catharsis hey @Bow! I've always wanted to do the thing they do in movies where they sweep EVERYTHING off a desk to make room for a plan or blueprint or something, make a BIG SCENE and be VERY DRAMATIC about it. But what do I have plans for? I'm not about to steal an ancient artefact or rob a bank or something 🤣 


I totally bought some lights for one of my sets, and it has been sitting on my desk half-deconstructed ever since. Woops. Bah, I'll get round to it! And I'll send piccies when I do!


Aww haha poor thing will have to have a nap at lunchtime or something! What year is she in now anyway?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

She’s year 3 @Jynx 


think I should log off

demons are back


Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Aww growing up fast @Bow! Would love to hear more next time 😊


Take care of yourself hun, maybe jump onto SCBS chat if things get super overwhelming yeah? Sending big hugs and restful vibes your way, may sleep find you swiftly 😴💜

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Jynx  some pics of the castle. 




Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow 😍😍😍


Omggggg they look amazing! Thanks for sharing these pics, really brings em to life! 


Of course, even knowing they're Disney castles, my brain still flashes to medieval warfare and wants you to pop them on shelves on opposite sides of the room, with tiny catapaults and a lego army 🤣 


Do they come with like, little Disney Princess lego characters? I imagine you could acquire some easily. Get Aurora, Belle, Merida, Jasmine, and have THEM fire the catapaults!! 


...I truly have not matured since I was 12 😅



How's your day been anyhow? 

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