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Re: My special place

Sorry you are feeling sick @Bow, but glad that you had something for tea. I know that can be hard so well done hon.


Sounds like it has been a productive day for you. When is your next market?

What lego piece are you working on atm?


Heard from my case manager at about 4:59pm today. They have approved my pdoc's latest request, so at least I don't have to worry about that now.

Never heard of sweet tooth. Always looking for new things to watch. Will have to check it out.

Re: My special place

Our next market is next Sunday @Snowie  got this weekend off. 

I started doing my Lego tuxedo cat yesterday. And did a few more bags today. 

oh that’s really good news hon. Must be such a relief getting that phone call. 

are you watching at the moment? 

and do you have plans for the weekend??

Re: My special place

Well hopefully you can have a bit of a sleep in this weekend @Bow Thats if D lets you!

You will have to post a photo when you've finished your lego cat. I've seen a picture of that one, it looks great.


Yes finally some good news. Nothing like leaving it to the last minute of work and just before the weekend!!


I've started watching virgin river. Just a few episodes in but it seems to be good.

Not many plans for the weekend. Did food shopping today so hoping to avoid the shops on the weekend when they get really busy.


Re: My special place

I might manage a little bit of a sleep in tomorrow @Snowie  if daughter lets me! Gotta take her to her father’s at 9am though.  Then I’ll go to the shops for a wander. 

I watched the first season of virgin river and enjoyed it, but never got back into it again for the next season. 

Re: My special place

Thats still an early morning @Bow!!


S on holidays as of today so at least I will get some sleep ins.


I will see how many episodes I get through. Have just been watching movies more lately. Normally ones I've already seen, so I don't use much brain power.


Re: My special place

(Sorry for the delay @Snowie  didnt get a notification)


yep, still early for a Saturday. I don’t really sleep in anyways. 

will be nice for you to not have to do school runs for a little while. 

yeah sometimes I need to just watch something that doesn’t need much brain power. 

Re: My special place

Not all notifications are working @Bow There have been some over the last few days I haven't gotten or getting them an hour after I was tagged.


I have 3 weeks of not doing school runs, so happy!!

Have you got anything on this weekend?

Re: My special place

Yeah I have noticed that too the last few days @Snowie 


3 weeks! That’s pretty good! Are you able to sleep in? Or does your body clock just wake you up?


got a few things to get at the shops tomorrow. And it’s nail Saturday- have to decide what colour to go with this week. And Sunday we have a combined church service with another local church. We have a couple of South African folk over at the moment, and they will be sharing so I’m gonna make the effort and go to church this week… plus it’s an afternoon service, so no early morning cold wake up. 

Re: My special place

Sorry for your loss, @Snowie  😢


Been worrying about you. 


So glad your workcover has been approved! 


Hope you can stay home this weekend as you wish. 


Sending 💙

Re: My special place

Sorry @Bow no notification again 😏


Hoping my body clock lets me sleep in at least a little.


Hi @NatureLover I hope your weekend goes well hon. Have you got much planned. Sending love 💗💗

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