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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Re: Self Harm

Are you seeing MH professionals? @Angels333 i would leave fixing drinking alone myself one thing at a time perhaps Prioritise? Take it easy on yourself

Re: Self Harm

Thanks @Zoe7  I don't really identify with being an alcoholic but I do misuse alcohol and that needs to stop poor Mr Angels is tired of my lies and concealment and inappropriate behaviour.    All symptoms of and exacerbated by my borderline personality disorder. 

Re: Self Harm

IKR @TAB  It was my psychiatrist who put me on the anti drinking meds, he says my SH increases and suicidality increases when I drink

Re: Self Harm

Don't be so hard on yourself right now @Angels333 It is great you have identified a part of your life you need to work on - and have made a massive step the last 9 days 👍 Little by little with everything you are dealing with hey. 


I feel for both you and Mr Angels Heart You are going through so much physically alongside your mental health - and that must be so hard on you both - but you have each other and can work through anything Heart

Senior Contributor

Re: Self Harm

Who knows @Angels333 phps go to someone else . Its Not Working??

Re: Self Harm

I hear you @TAB   about to try rTMS if that doesn't work then ECT next

Senior Contributor

Re: Self Harm

Yeah well nah just get rid of them they sound useless lol @Angels333
Not applicable

Re: Self Harm

Well done @Angels333 – 9 days sober is such a huge achievement. I think Zoe said it well – you have identified something to work on and are tackling it, hard as it may be.


It sounds very challenging to be experiencing the seizures with your neurological disorder and not to have your house well set up for you. Do you have an OT or other support to help with this side of things? 


It’s so hard to be experiencing those feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. It sounds like this is something you are working on with your psychiatrist, which is really good to hear.


Please keep reaching out here and letting us know how things are going for you.

Re: Self Harm



I had an OT assessment last week.   In the process of applying for the NDIS


I feel catatonic when I get overwhelmed 

Re: Self Harm

💖💞 @Angels333 .....

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