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Re: checking in

Together we can do this 💙


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Re: checking in

Hey @Lee71 , I thought I'd just pop in here as I can see that you're being so beautifully supported by the community in what looks like a pretty tough night.  I encourage you to reach out to Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 or Lifeline on 13 11 14 if you feel it would be helpful to have some extra support.  Take care and stay safe. 

Re: checking in



Thanks. I'm trying

Re: checking in



Yes they have been great. They have been since day one, and I thank them for that.

I know those numbers, but don't need them as of yet. Just checking in on my post should be enough, soon here I will be taking my night medication and hopefully sleeping . Thanks for checking on me

Not applicable

Re: checking in

Thanks for responding @Lee71 and it sounds like you've got it covered Smiley Happy hope you have a good night's sleep...night 

Re: checking in



I'm trying. Thank you.  Sleep well

Re: checking in

hey @Lee71
nights are so tough sometimes aren't they
have you got anything relaxing that you might be able to do to help you settle for some sleep?
maybe like a fave movie or tv show? a nice hot bath or shower?

Re: checking in




I've had my night medication so hopefully that will help me sleep. It didn't work so well last night.  Thanks for checking on me


Checking in

Re: checking in

I hope the medications help tonight @Lee71
is there something that might help as well though? I find that medications on their own never really worked for me and found I sleep better if I do something relaxing beforehand

Re: checking in



No there isn't.  I've always had issues with sleep because of various reasons, which I shouldn't get into at the moment.  that's why I'm on medication to sleep. Otherwise I don't really sleep

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