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Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Are all the times your SW doesn’t show up counted towards the 12 weeks @Snowie ?? I sure hope not!!


few more weeks here I think until school holidays. And then after that my mum goes down to tassie again for a couple of weeks. 

yeah I use to have to put tissues up my nose and a mask on! But I have a new litter now and it hardly smells at all. 

I had spiced pumpkin and lentil soup tonight. First time trying it and it was pretty good. It’s one from the fridge section of Cole’s, so nice and hearty. Like to have a couple in the fridge for when I’m not up to eating much- mum can’t complain then! 

you been able to eat anything hon? Even some toast? 

Re: My Mosaic

I really don't know if it is 12 sessions or 12 weeks @Bow Doesn't really matter. Why connect with someone who is just going to go anyway.


How are you feeling about your mum going to Tassie hon?


That soup sounds nice. I shop at coles so will have to look into them. It is always good to have a few easy things in your fridge.

Only hubby and I home for tea. Am trying to eat but haven't had much luck, just not hungry. Will probably try a cup of soup tonight. I know I should have at least something in my stomach for when I take meds.


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Snowie Wondering how you are doing today? 

yeah it would be hard to connect knowing that his not around for long. I don’t blame you at all. I’d do the same thing. 

D and I always like it when we have the house to ourselves. I get to play ‘grown ups!’ lol but there is lots more to do! And the dog to take care of. I’ve enrolled D into after school care for Mondays when I have my group. It doesn’t finish until 3pm and then I have to get myself home, which I don’t get home until after 4pm. I just hope that they are gonna have space for her cause it’s only a casual enrollment. I’m also not sure if my friend is going to be around as a back up. 

I’ve been to my gp this morning. My bloods were ok. BP was low though. Everything else was ok. I talked to her about the pain I’m in, hopefully it will just clear up by itself. And I mentioned the bad nausea, but she didn’t say anything, which is what I was expecting. She’s said in the past she won’t give me anything for it. 

Re: My Mosaic

It's probably good that you get that time to yourself @Bow I'm sure D will love all your attention.


Hoping you can get her into afterschool care. Much easier for you than rushing everywhere, especially when groups can take up so much of our energy.


Is there a reason why your gp won't give you anything?




Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Gp just doesn’t wanna add more unnecessary medication that I become reliant on @Snowie  if I increase my intake it would probably solve the problem. But that ain’t that easy is it. 

Re: My Mosaic

ok, understand @Bow 

I wouldn't want to add more to what I take either.


easy to say, hard to do hon 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I take so many meds @Snowie  and have like 4 medication alarms plus morning and night meds. 

but yeah easier said than done for sure. So I guess I just put up with it. Gagging all the time. Sigh

Re: My Mosaic

Yep, a lot of meds here too @Bow plus the prn.


Does liquid help at all or is that an issue as well?

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow , @Snowie 

I take 5 in the morning and 8 at night , plus injections twice a day 

seems like everytime i see the specialist they put me on another on 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow wrote:

Replying to your message @Jynx  hopefully you see it Monday if your around. 

yep… I dye my hair all the time! It’s naturally auburn, I put a very similar colour over the top to cover up all the grey hairs! And to give it a bit of a boost. 
but my hair is falling out a lot. I’m not sure if it’s a consequence of my ED or good old aging. But I’m finding it really distressing. Colouring, washing and even just brushing, heaps falls out. So I don’t brush it much and I go weeks without washing it and I’m very hesitant to dye it. (But I’ve done purple, black, red and browns in the past).


so good that you can mostly do your own hair though! 

Hiya Bow! 


Aww that really sucks about your hair falling out, I can absolutely imagine the stress. Yeah dyeing it would definitely not help! Half the reason I shaved my dreadlocks was because dyeing them made them super brittle, and they kept falling out! With dreads though, if they fall out you can literally just weave them back in lol, but it became super tedious to have to do so. 


Ooh good colour choices! Purple red and black together are a cracker of a combo, ever do them all at once? 


How you travelling this evening anyway? 

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