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Re: Darkness

I hope youll be allowed to @Lee82
a half hour or an hour I don't think would do any harm esp since your with your kids
Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

I hope so too...😞


Re: Darkness

ill keep my fingers crossed for you @Lee82
Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

Thanks @outlander I will too for you for Monday. 
Outlander will we ever see daylight again? I wonder will things ever get better or is this it and we just have to learn to live with it. 

Re: Darkness

thanks @Lee82

i believe we all go through our ups and downs. some downs are more extreme then others . i have been at the point of attempting suicide before, SHing more times then i i can count in a day but i haven't tried to attempt in over a yr and i went 6 months without self harming so i think things can get better but it does take work and unfortunately there will be relapses from time to time where we need to get ourselves back up and hit a new low before working back up. try not to give up though. try to accept the help that's offered even if its the last thing you want, rest your mind, body and soul. we here often call it survival mode and 'floating' meaning instead of fighting and fighting we try to just accept things for what they are, if it means watching tv all day till we feel ok to get up then that's ok too. go back to basics and focus on those like getting enough sleep, some routine (getting up and going to bed at the same time, try to have meals at the same time) ensuring your eating and drinking, some exercise and practicing hygiene. right now that's what matters-getting through the day the best you can.
Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

Thank you so much @outlander 

that was some very powerful words. 
It sounds to me like you have come a very long way. I admire your strength and will to carry on. 💜 I hope that one day I can think the same way

Re: Darkness

Your welcome @Lee82
Coming to the forums basically helped save my life and although i have some very dark and down days i can see the positives now unlike before.
I hope that youll find being here helpful too and learn some good skills to manage this blasted mental illnesses
Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

I hope so thing I can say is the amount of support and care I found on this forum is next to nothing. I have felt so alone in this journey for so long but since being on here I no longer feel so alone. The one and only positive I have to hold on to for now. @outlander 

Re: Darkness

Im glad to hear that @Lee82 we are with you every step of the way 💖
Same for @Former-Member too im aware shes having quite a difficult time atm too and hope that the darkness will pass soon 💞
Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

Too prn about 2 hours ago and nothing is happening. I know I'm not going to be allowed to take another and the nights scare the s**t out of me. 😞 


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